Prayer Practices for Terrifically Busy People
by Daniel Schrock
You can do each of the prayer practices in this book in fifteen minutes or less, sometimes while you’re doing other things. From intriguing practices such as bathing and fiddling (but not with a fiddle), to treasured classics such as the Jesus Prayer and meditating with art, you'll find something in this book to broaden your life with God. Included are ways to pray through your senses, body, actions, and mind.
For your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch
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by Daniel Schrock
You can do each of the prayer practices in this book in fifteen minutes or less, sometimes while you’re doing other things. From intriguing practices such as bathing and fiddling (but not with a fiddle), to treasured classics such as the Jesus Prayer and meditating with art, you'll find something in this book to broaden your life with God. Included are ways to pray through your senses, body, actions, and mind.
For your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch
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