Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction (sometimes called spiritual companioning or spiritual guidance) is a confidential relationship where you receive help in noticing and responding to the Triune God.
Because God is always present, a central question in spiritual direction is paying attention to what God may be hoping for in you, around you, and beyond you. I try to listen for the movements of God in your life, sharing some things I notice and asking you evocative questions. You are then free to consider how you might want to respond to God's initiatives.
Spiritual direction is one avenue for increasing our Christian maturity. It's inspired by Jesus, whom others sought for insight into their relationship with God (e.g., Mark 10:17-22, 12:28-34). The ministry of spiritual direction was historically offered by desert fathers and mothers, monks and nuns, and laypeople and clergy. Well-known spiritual guides in church history have included Anthony, Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Ignatius Loyola, Francis de Sales, Jane de Chantal, Thomas Merton, Margaret Guenther, and many others.
Frequent Questions
How much experience do you have as a spiritual director?
I've offered spiritual direction for 28 years, totaling over 2,360 sessions.
Really, how does spiritual growth happen?
In many ways, but here's one perspective you might find intriguing. In his book Spirituality and the Awakening Self: The Sacred Journey of Transformation (Brazos, 2012), David Benner suggests that spiritual growth happens by employing a simple two-step process: 1) become aware of God, and 2) offer our consent to God. In this view, our life with God is more about awareness and consent than about strenuous effort. We flourish the most when we joyfully say yes to God. If I were to add anything to Benner's process, I'd suggest a third step, namely taking action of some sort.
What if I have a decision I'm trying to discern?
Spiritual direction is an excellent opportunity to explore God's invitation and your deepest desires. While you can spiritually discern some decisions in shorter periods of time, other decisions might take you six months, a year, or even multiple years. You are the one who will finally decide which course of action you want to take. I assist by helping you craft the central discernment question, by listening contemplatively, evocatively, and compassionately that encourages you to hear your heart, and by noticing what seems to be stirring in you.
How often do we meet?
Most people choose to meet once a month, but we can meet more or less often depending on your preference. Sessions last one hour.
How many sessions will I need?
People in demanding situations often choose ongoing spiritual direction as a way of finding sustenance for their work and for cultivating a richer relationship with God. We can also meet for a limited length of time if you prefer.
Do you offer mental health services?
No. Spiritual direction is not counseling or psychotherapy.
What do I bring to a spiritual direction session?
You can bring an experience that intrigues or baffles you, a surprising event, a lack of clarity about something, or a discernment question you're struggling with. Our conversation flows from the material that you bring.
Can I try it and quit if it's not for me?
Of course. I don't charge for the first session, so you're welcome to explore direction and then decide if you want to continue. You can stop any time. Currently my suggested amount is $80-100 for a full hour, with you picking the amount. In special circumstances we may be able to agree on a lower number.
What ethical standards do you uphold?
I uphold the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct published by Spiritual Directors International. Among other things, these guidelines require me to honor your dignity, to hold our conversations in confidence to the extent of the law, to receive spiritual direction and supervision for myself, and to be faithful to my own personal and corporate spiritual practices.